It happens to everyone in the creative world at some point, and actors are certainly not immune. According to actor Adam Kutner, creativity is something that must be cultivated at all times, and sometimes a busy schedule that is filled with paying gigs can be stifling for an actor’s creativity. When an actor becomes mired in a creative rut there is a great deal to be gained, so long as the actor is committed to understanding something about themselves and the creative process.
The most common mistake actors make when they enter a rut is to ignore the problem. They will continue to work but will soon find that there will be less of it and the roles will become less interesting. Instead, actors must confront the fact that they are in a rut and acknowledge, as Bob Dylan once did, that things have gone awry.
In fact, a rut can be a great way to stimulate a creative transformation. Actors need to be challenged and to accept roles that are difficult and different if they are to enjoy continued success. Accepting a challenge and taking on an uncomfortable role are excellent ways for actors to plumb the depths of their creativity.